Monday, November 28, 2016

Student Success Statement

  “Kindness is the essence of greatness”
                                 By: Joseph B. Wirthlin
        Joseph B. Wirthlin stated that kindness is the essence of greatness. Kindness is the key to be a great person. The kinder you are, the greater person you will be. A great person is considered to be kind and generous. Kind, in this terms, is having great manners and etiquette. Manners such as saying please and thank you or “ May I”. Being kind is being friendly, caring, and humble. An example of this was during thanksgiving week. I saw a person helping their mom to carry groceries. That is being a gentleman. He was kind to do that and so, that makes him a great person. In the other hand, if someone abuses the other person is disrespectful, that is not kind. That person is not considered a “great” person. It is more like a person that chooses the wrong. When Joseph states that kindness is the essence of greatness, he means that being kind is the spirit of greatness. If you want to be a great person, then you shall be kind in every which way. For instance, I helped my mom clean without complaining and helped her cook. It was kind of me to do that for her. It was a way to tell her thank you for everything. Being kind is a great way to be a better person.

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