Thursday, December 8, 2016

         A sting from a scorpion
One beautiful scorchy day, a family of three went camping on a desert. There were sand dunes everywhere and it is hard to see some animals at this day. A little  boy name Patrick, woke up with the attention of exploring around. His parents told him numerous times to wear shoes and not flip-flops due to danger. Patrick, knowing that nothing bad would happen, got his flip-flops and went outside in the wilderness to explore. As he was observing all the natural things in his surrounding, he notice that something poked him badly. He thought it was a thorn. As he looked around to see what was that poked him, and it turned out it was a scorpion. A scorpion stung him. He cried out of pain. He yelled extremely loud to their parents and his parents went to take him to the hospital. It took 2 hours to finally get there. As they got there, the doctor injected his leg anesthesia so it would numb his leg. Inj 24 hours, it would feel all better. Now to that day, he will never forget this and he learned a valuable lesson. He ignore his parents and was lazy. He decided to be rebellious instead of doing the right thing. The lesson is that if you do not do the right thing, you will be metaphorically stung. That is the significance of doing the right thing. The little boy didn’t choose the right so he got his price back. In my experience, something similar happened to me. I was once told from my mom to not play around the bushes due to the bees. I didn’t see any bees so I thought that it wouldn’t hurt if I just played in the bushes. Then out of nowhere, a bee stung me a little that I noticed it right away that I killed it with my fist. It didn’t affect me. That is the lesson that I need to do the right thing and be obedient.

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