Friday, May 26, 2017

“ When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”- Alan Paton

This quote by Alan Paton is concise and meticulous. What he is trying to tell us in this statement is that the only way to recover when you are hurt, is to forgive. You have to forgive on what hurt you and than you will recover from that injury. Forgiveness is when you stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense or a mistake.  For instance, if you did something bad to another person, but it is too late to do what you did. You now feel very  bad about it. The only way to feel better is to seek for forgiveness. In order to do that, you must apologize and mean it. Sometimes, forgiving can be hard. Especially when you are extremely hurt. But if you don’t forgive, you will be stuck in a little hole and no where to go. You will be drowning on your emotions and your conscience will bother you often. In order to get out of that, you must forgive and be free. After forgiving, you feel relief and have freedom all to yourself and it feels good. Another example would be when a guy who got a DUI manslaughter for drinking and driving crashed into a car whom the victims died. The parents of these victims was very upset and had hatred among the guy. However, she later discovers that she can’t be angry at him. Therefore, she found forgiveness. And she felt free.

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